You Can Participate Too...

By volunteering your time and expertise to assist BEND in its final tasks.

By becoming a member. As a member you will receive meeting minutes via our email discussion list and information about all of the teams. A membership form is available for you to print out and send in with your $10.

By joining the housing tenants group - BEST (Bega Ecological Sustainable Tenancies). [Now called BENCH]

By lending to the Affordable Housing side of our project. [Now achieved and accounts closed, thank-you.]

By making a donation to our Affordable Housing funds, or by volunteering in our fundraising efforts. [As above, concluded.]

By expressing your support and enthusiasm for our project and objectives.

BEND currently has over 60 members. The public and all BEND members are most welcome to attend our general meetings, or can receive copies of our minutes. Our active members have divided into a series of teams that also meet to address specific tasks. Please contact us if you wish to offer your expertise, energy or simply good wishes.

For further information: